Thursday, July 14, 2005

Short Friend Quotes For Picnik

Weitere Termine wegen der Bedeutung der Sache

The court has asked the four defense lawyers to suggest two more continuing appointments.

on demand informed the court that after the last date, several lawyers with a text-identical Schreiben gemeldet und ihren Besuch der Verhandlung angekündigt hätten. Die interessierten Anwälte sähen durch das Verfahren die Grundlagen der Verteidigertätigkeit betroffen.

Das Gericht möchte dem Verfahren nun einen zeitlichen Rahmen zur Verfügung stellen, der der Bedeutung der Sache Rechnung trage.

Die Vier Strafverteidiger haben dem Gericht den 24. und 25. Oktober 2005 vorgeschlagen.

Friday, July 8, 2005

.asterbate With Banana

Die weiteren Verhandlungstermine

Die nächsten Termine, die zwischen Gericht und Verteidigung vereinbart wurden sind folgende:

Montag, der 17.10.2005
Mittwoch, der 19.10.2005
Jeweils 10:00 Uhr im Saal E 104
AG in Braunschweig, at the Martini Church 8, 38100 Braunschweig

The negotiations are obviously related.

Today I received the news that the court interpreted two more events into the eye. These are however not yet clear. The four defense lawyers will report in due course.

Melrose Place Strip Scene

Hauptverhandlungstermin am 6. Juli 2005

to the date on 6 July 2005 were invited plenty of witnesses who were taught at the beginning of the timely trial de lege artis.

I was also easily and naturally connect the consent of the judge, my laptop to the power of the court. But the Lord Prosecutor was not quite agree, but he asked, in substance, what for here at the defender need a computer .

The court accused was known then asked how he is, how old he is and where he lives. The question of marital status, he has already replied to any more (because a defendant is not obliged in principle), the judge has let him have his way, either it was known to her or whatever. Income: Fixed.

"If any other questions for the person?"
"No, but I have to lodge an urgent application ."

was then applied for me and to just under four Pages reason to adopt the following:

It is noted that Mr. Attorney is to replace session as a representative of the Prosecutor.

have the alternative, I requested that the following decision:

The chief prosecutor of Mr. B. is asked to replace the Public Prosecutor as the session as representative of the Prosecutor.

Here is the application record and its justification.

The judge responded confidently and suspend the trial after that first 20 minutes to give even the prosecutor the opportunity to be redeemed for comment.

The prosecutor seemed not amused. He left by appointment scheduling between the court and defense, and after a subsequent minor dispute with the defender Bernd Eickelberg, leaving behind the words:

" Be careful "

the hall. An explanation of these words, he refused us.

Well, the other good proposals that we had prepared, we could ask no more. But this will certainly be another opportunity later.

Für die Idee mit dem "Ablehnungsantrag" bedanke ich mich bei Herrn Kollegen Udo Vetter , der damit in dem Visa-Verfahren in Köln zur Ausstellung von Reiseschutzpässen Herrn OStA Bülles "abgelehnt" hat. Ich hoffe, er nimmt es mir nicht übel, wenn ich ein paar Zeilen seines Antrages übernommen habe. All das nur im Kampf ums Recht. Den Wortlaut des Antrags habe ich in der " Handakte " gefunden.