Earlier, at the university, because it was a joke among us physicists (in-law): We are smeared in time and space. Is he on time, he knows not where he is and he is there, then never on time. The object of observation (quantum mechanics) has been colored by the observer - and this is quantum mechanics.
came Curiously, this statement right at the other half of humanity never very good, which might explain the difficulties among young physicists.
Years go by, but much remains as it always was. For example, I am sitting at my calendar and would like the meeting to schedule the legendary barbecue festival of Argentina Festak (PR-Club Nürnberg), which provides whether the obligatory chocolate fountain especially in our youth for excitement - to determine that the date will not be in June , but in May was .
Well, folks. Thanks for the invitation. Mea culpa. This costs probably a round at the next meeting in Nuremberg. I will refrain from the lame excuses. But next year, next year everything will be better.
And I would have had even one or two tiny little novelty in his luggage.
Wieder einmal ist das erst letztens gebundene ATC Buch voll. Ich mache wohl eindeutig zu viele Jam ATC Aktionen.....aber irgenwdie krieg ich davon auch nicht genug!!!!
Zugegeben das Geschenk gab es schon bevor Heidi zur Oma wurde.Denn am Sonntag nachmittag waren Gabi und Ich zu Heidi eingeladen.Als Dankeschön für diese Einladung habe ich dieses Utensilo gestaltet.
" Dam tam , tada Dam " makes my old friend Klaus - Klaus Bollhöfer - and waves his arms. war drums. It's about war drums. To score, to Hollywood Scores . "That would surely Hans Zimmer," reciprocate I, a little bit gnawed (see below) and sip on my beer, "Pirate of the Caribbean Have you ever seen his studio No Tells you how much Hans Zimmer costs.?" " Tadaa daa ... feelings, I say feelings - to the point came not as wide DAAA Studios all just excuses!.?."
The Perry Rhodan - Cons are always a welcome break for me away from my everyday life but rather dry and technical. Completely different people, completely different ways of working, I learn something every time about this and that's why I went so out you. For example, how important it is Dinge auf den Punkt zu bringen. "Auf den Punkt. Das ist die Kunst", sagt mein Freund Klaus. Recht hat er.
Wie so oft dreht sich das Gespräch darum, den Held unser beider Kindheit namens Perry Rhodan vom Papier auf die Leinwand zu hieven. Um das immense Potential mancher Fans im Bereich Video - Raimund Peter beispielsweise, dessen Arbeiten (wie das Video zum Perry Rhodan Zyklus " Negasphäre ") mich regelmäßig vom Hocker hauen. Aber Klaus, ganz Medienmann, hat einen sehr, sehr pointierten Blick - "Da TAAA !" - was ihn zum inspirierenden Antagonisten mutieren lässt (für Bulls: a red cloth).
I am doing any videos, so I can talk the talk peace of mind. " Set Designer " chant down me, a cup of beer in hand, the list of talents that we are united in one person would have to really George Lucas make competition " computer Animation Specialists , director, producer, Cutter , script-writer, Pre - and post- Producer , sound engineer, cameraman, sound artist, composer, Score - Writer and orchestra, and so on ".
"Rubbish!" counters my friend Klaus: "To the point it must be you," he says, and yes, it also beer was in the game, "but also do only as boring music elevator music.." "I'm not even Hans Zimmer!" grummle me, but sits the sting. "Oh what is. That a reason?"
Well . So he has me. Lack of talent is a reason - but " it's just a hobby" justifies course no total failure. And on this view later in the evening, a very mature beery decision: Battlerstar Galactica - what a crazy opener ! The Score can hear you, no problem. And at home is a PC with Cubase ( SE, which means that the effects are not the best) and a Yamaha Motif . A real PIIP part. A Music Workstation! If because the name is not the program! Strings, horns - typically Fimscore of today - all because ...
Then play: A email exchange with Raymond if he could imagine the pictures from his Negasphäre video of an experiment release. The acquisition of "Voices of Passion," a mad plugin (for laymen: software synthesizer) for female voices. And so on ... Many Cut tests (another topic), a lot of back and forth, and some work - Score be heard, change the harmonies another Lead melody, war drums Quantum Leaps " Storm Drums 2", which are BSG-style, but (to make the opener complete) just not a simple copy, a lead-in, a little action and then purely for YouTube.
has now made the short video hits the 1000 , and do so without advertising. And my respect for Hans Zimmer and Bear McCreary has grown a huge piece. But I've tried.
But now I hear some things with different ears - Bear McCreary actually used " Voices of Passion" - full characteristic phrases are used in BSG before again and again. Only with him it sounds very, very different: mixer extends the list Mastering -Ingenieur ...