Friday, November 12, 2010

Bianca Trump Homepage

paper tiger

Ich weiß nicht, ob die folgenden beiden Meldungen say something about the future of humanity in space or not, but I find it entertaining anyway:
The British aircraft Vulture -1 has successfully first images transmitted from the edge of the universe and complete this mission also undamaged.
I know that sounds not very exciting, but Vulture -1 is not a missile, nor a height of Enlightenment is not a brainchild of Burt Rutan ( Spaceship One ) and Elon Musk ( Falcon 9 ), but one ... paper airplane. Off - just. Paper. A bit too large, but only on paper. This was the first milestone of international company Paper Aircraft Released In Space (PARIS) successfully completed, which goes back to a Japanese initiative (called: We take Paper Airplanes from the international space station ISS and surprise us can).
Are these the beginnings of a brand new technology? It might await us some, especially if we add even more the second message: This time it's lightweight components for space stations and space ships in space from - are made, no, not from paper but from raw materials of as a space-saving granules Earth or the moon theory supplied be. Background are pioneering advances in 3D printing of complex mechanical assemblies. The newly founded company Made in Space seems to be seriously willing to implement this revolutionary approach in the current deed and collects the needed funds to install a first printer on the ISS.
a certain charm you can not deny the idea. After all, the future is on success, then not only ... (Political) paper.


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