Sunday, July 2, 2006

Do Weigh More After Poop


In the next few days, started on the OSI a flyer campaign for the MPIfG, here are the dates the piece of paper:

The first MPIfG has many processes initiated at the OSI,
also shown that there are still significant speech and
reform. By MPIfG of January
have already suggested the following initiatives: the
study Reform Commission, the
mentor program, the OSI newspaper (first edition
as of Thursday, 6.7.), the AG "training for faculty" several

Student Seminars and "Handbook for better teaching" .

on the 2nd MPIfG to these and other initiatives in
workshops presented and discussed. You are invited to contribute
your ideas and proposals about the
achieved so far and you participate in new developments.
planned workshop topics on the 2nd MPIfG will be:

  • mentoring program - for new students and foreign students
  • Teaching Evaluation - improving teaching and learning content
  • Student Seminars - institutionalization of innovative teaching methods
  • Student participation - participation in the political process in the university
  • Africa at OSI - what should Africa teaching at OSI?
  • MA / Diploma Politics - What should a potential offer MA students?
  • ...

refers Following the workshop phase instead of the OSI summer festival.

It is your institution - Only you can change it!


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