Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How To Cheat Gpsphone On A Mac

results AG 5: Africa teaching at OSI


1. Input zur Entwicklung der Afrikalehre am OSI und aktuellen Konflikten / Entwicklungen
  • 1967-1992: Center for African policy under Francis wringing
  • 1994-1999/2000: seminars relating to Africa is not institutionally anchored
  • 2000 to 2001: Visiting Professor of Kum'a Ndumbe III. on behalf of the DAAD
    • the chair is in the context of general austerity deleted
    • the architecture design of the OSI does not focus on Africa before
  • 2000: Foundation of the Study Group "Afrosi" (40 members)
    • protests to deletions
    • currently developed a counter-concept, approved by the authorities, but in no Becomes accepted
    • high attention of the press, but not an institutional decision
  • 2004: The OSI-Club Decides to support OSI in the effort to bring Africa back on the curriculum
  • Prof. Daeubler-Gmelin supports the initiative , it decreases tests and is the patron of the lecture series "Africa, Europe unrecognized neighbor
  • The OSI welcomes this initiative: It is committed to salary status per semester a teaching position and to guarantee the African doctrine continues (another teaching position by the OSI Club salaried) remain
  • All other teaching about Africa unpaid
  • OSI-Club also supports the acquisition of literature for the Afrikamodu

organization of the Africa module / governance

  • The OSI-Club itself admits about Africa not competent to be, and thus turned to find the trained operative to Eric van grass Dorff of AfricAvenir. Eric van grass Dorff passed on his commitment after a short time in Ann Kathrin Helfrich, coordinated at the time the education programming of the Africa module on OSI.
  • Ann Kathrin Helfrich as "African Affairs" schlägt Lehraufträge vor, bekommt aber auch Vorschläge, sammelt diese und gibt sie an den Insitutsrat weiter.
  • Da der Insitutsrat keine inhaltliche Kompetenz hat, wurde ein Runder Tisch zur Afriaklehre eingerichtet, der sich neben der Lehrplanung für die laufenden Semester auch um eine Weiterführung der Afrikalehre am OSI in Zukunft kümmern soll.
  • Innerhalb des Runden Tisches haben Prof. Däubler-Gmelin und Prof. Ansprenger inhaltlich beratende Funktion.
  • Bestrebungen, eine Afrikaprofessur am OSI einzurichten
    • im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative („Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit“)
    • Horst Köhler plant ein wissisenschaftliches Forschugsentrum zum Thema Afrika einzurichten, jedoch nicht zwangsläufig an der FU
    • es liegt ein Entwurf des PD Ulrich van der Hayden für ein „Zentrum Modernes Afrika“ vor
  • In den Entscheidungsstrukturen des Afrikamoduls sind Ende des Sommersemesters 2006 Konflikte aufgetreten:
    • Die Ausstattung der Module ist vorgegeben. Vom Präsidium ist mittels so called "objectives" specify that a module should have only a limited number of teaching posts. Because of this, was completed after the education programming at the Round Table and was confirmed by the Institute Council, the bureau demanded that two of the proposed seminars will be deleted again.
    • same time, PD Ulrich van der Heyden wrote a defamatory e-mail against a lecturer who had protested vehemently against including his racial theories on slavery, with the result that the seminar of the critical faculty has been deleted. But as Ulrich van der Heyden's allegations has not been established due to various academic and protests the cancellation was still reversed.
    • As a direct response to these events is founded the "Initiative Africa Critical Teaching" , consisting of lecturers / researchers, members of the African community, members of various NGOs and OSI students. This initiative developed an alternative approach to Africa, teaching in Berlin.

second Talk: What is our teaching of Africa in the OSI?

I. What is taught research /?

  • The OSI is now seeing that:
    • little African experts are involved, teach white German
    • on are being researched Africa, here "Africa expert" trained
    • a Euro-centric perspective prevails
  • For a critical teaching about Africa would be necessary / desirable:
    • Prof. Daeubler-Gmelin and Prof. wringing should not act solely as content experts, a meeting of various stakeholders is needed
    • teachers may sexism, slavery, racism, etc. not belittle or discriminate
    • for Africa teaching topics such as migration, flight, racism, and black Africans in Germany and
  • include The difficulties of establishing a critical Africa theory can be used as part of an overall marginalization of critical theory at the OSI considered to be
  • goes for critical research approaches are not a blending of political position, and science, but the fact that certain positions (trivialization of slavery and racism) can not be accepted

II What does this mean for OSI?

  • doctrine should generally be more open and critical.
  • conventional and critical approaches should be equally represented, students should be able to decide from which perspective they work.
  • be here to stress clearly that the "danger" that a critical theory at the time displacing existing, is in any way.
  • freshmen can not be assessed without the knowledge or assistance good on the prospects require courses, and what alternative approaches there. Therefore should be better informed about different approaches.
  • Gerade für Erstsemester wäre nun die Strategie „Hauptsache irgendeine Afrikalehre“ nicht geeignet, da die kritischen Ansätze unentdeckt blieben.
  • Es müssten institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen für eine kritische Afrikalehre geschaffen werden, damit ein gleichwertiger Zugang für unterschiedliche Ansätze entsteht.

III. Praktische Vorschläge

How can students get involved?

  • creating transparency:
    • are missing about Africa teachers, the basic lines of conflict, the different approaches.
    • transparency not only in hindsight: The students need to create opportunities mitzukriegen conflicts, or influence (eg participation at the Round Table for Africa Teaching)
    • notice the lines of conflict über verschiedene Kanäle (z.B. Erstitage, OSI-Zeitung, Infoveranstaltung)
    • Podiumsdiskussion über verschiedene Perspektiven der Afrikalehre im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung -> Titelvorschlag: „Welche Afrikalehre wollen wir?"
    • Boykott von Lehrenden, die Rassismus, Sklaverei, Sexismus etc. unkritisch gegenüberstehen bzw. andere diskriminieren?

IV. Nachtrag

  1. All interested students have exchanged contact details and get together to discuss further action.
  2. In presenting the workshops in the Institute Tags plenary was expressed spontaneously by professors (eg Mr Funke) an invitation for students to round table.

For more information / inquiries


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