Einschub Erzählers
Melanies Name kommt von dem altgriechischen Wort melas, schwarz. Sie ist die Dunkle. Einsam wie ein schwarzer Rabe auf einem Feld. Melanie hat niemanden, der sie sieht, sie erkennt. Sie hat keinen Verwandten. Sie ist Narziss ohne Goldmund, Harry Haller ohne Hermine, Siddhartha ohne Govinda. Aber wer weiß das schon? Sie ist eben ein Einzelgänger. Keiner sucht nach ihr. Äußerlich ist kaum etwas bemerkbar. Doch Melanie ist am oszillieren - wie die Amplitude, die elektrische Schwingungen misst. Ungedämpft zittert sie von einem Pol zum anderen and has elements of the zero point, the still point, only briefly, only to come back to the other end. It is there only 100 or Plus Minus 100th A small moment of happiness means to them an immense happiness. A defeat it comes to the lowest depths. Many would say
, it was typically only sky-high for joy and then back down the next. Or even that which describes the psychology as manic-depressive.
But it is not a diagnosis, it is Melanie's character. The problem of psychology is that it - is any diagnosis with the disease related and forget that there are those personality traits that define our character - unintentionally.
Sure, the diagnosis has not always describe a disease. If such occurrences are the only latent. Nevertheless, the starting point is always that of the pathological personality disorder.
The people who then - in a general social agreement - are mentally healthy are those who are moderate. Those who hold the mediocrity that change changierend to the zero position to oscillate rather than their colors. Yet it is precisely the oscillating Fever which is everything. What new produce that change things. If
vary but the oscillating without any conceivable target, then turn the psychology comes like a mighty lion and tears the people themselves. Oscillate by a majority of the Moderate recognized only if it brings them an advantage. This is the fate of the oscillating and Melanie's fate. Nobody knows about it. Ah, now would be as necessary a gold mouth.
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