Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spanish Brizilian Wax

second Protokoll

It is raining. Despite lunch time, it is gloomy, the sky is gray and rain drumming against the window panes. Melanie is sitting in her room, staring into the TV. It runs the same level of daily free program, as always at this time. But Melanie does not interest. She just stared and nothing seems to be mitzubekommen.
In her room is messy. There is a striking number of stuffed animals. Diese hat sie früher mal gesammelt. Heute sind sie uninteressant. Auch zwei Regale voll mit Büchern gibt es, doch gelesen hat sie davon fast keins, vielleicht mal durchgeblättert. Früher hat sie gern gelesen. Auf einem dieser Regale steht eine vertrocknete Pflanze und daneben hängt eine Papptafel an der Wand, auf der ist zu lesen „Die Zeit ist aus den Fugen“ - Hamlet.
Melanie starrt noch immer in den Fernseher. Plötzlich wird sie durch die aufspringende Tür aus ihrer Starre gerissen. Es ist ihr Bruder, der ihr mit grinsendem Gesicht zu ruft „Hab eine eins in der Mathe. Dafür bekomm ich heute mein neues Fahrrad.“ Und so plötzlich er gekommen war, so schnell ist er auch schon wieder weg. Und Melanie overcome the feeling that they had back then.
It was a beautiful summer day, blue sky, the sun was shining, a warm wind blew through the tree on which the sugar bags were hung. It was Melanie's Back to School. She wore a pink dress and had a satchel on his back, which seemed much too large. It should be a beautiful day. The entire family and many friends had come, everything turned to Melanie, she was at the center. As she held the large bag of sugar in her arms, she beamed from ear to ear. She was happy. But this day was not for Melanie so happy we end it had begun. Before beginning her school Melanie had had a brother. And this stood in the center. It should also be on that day. No sooner were the celebrations ended in the school, it was all just to Melanie's brother. Everyone wanted something from her brother. All want to keep him once, they made fun of him and patted him around. Melanie felt ostracized. And should it be your big day. Eventually, she could stand it no more and ran crying to her room. Lying on my stomach she struck repeatedly with his fists on her bed and had to hate someone for the first time the feeling. At that moment she hated your brother, but could really do anything for it.
Melanie's fingers dig deep into one of her stuffed animals. You could it in this Moment tear. And the rain still drumming against the window panes.


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