A milestone of the year
Nach 938.000 Anschlägen und 138.000 Worten ist die erste Fassung meines "Bauchschmerzprojektes" soeben fertig geworden. Das Wort "ENDE" is written, and I feel after all the work a bit strange.
But as it is. Now comes a long break, and then - oh yes, the Expos stand for the next ATLAN trilogy on the plan.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Reset Number Combination
Extraterrestrial Badge Set
For someone like me a particularly nice Christmas: The Extra Terrestrial Badge Set, designed and produced by my sister.
More of it's in the near future, http://www.itchy-design.de/ - or of course here!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Peruvian Tradition Who Pays For Te Wedding
Christmas is here!
I wish you all a nice, Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
I wish you all a nice, Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Colours That Go Together Teal And Purple
She runs and runs ...
Soso, researchers have grown so the marathon gerbil (sorta Duracell edition). This reminds me of the mutated Rennvirpine Thrint of which have been bred by researchers, of course not, but from the stupid Tnuctipun slave. Before then created the Bandersnatch, huge meat supplier with oversized brains (because their brains are a delicacy). Of course, the Bandersnatch not think they will even eat . But of course, the swindle Tnuctipun their brutal masters, and the Bandersnatch are highly intelligent and prepare for the Tnuctipun Revolution.
But in the beginning it was all about the Rennvirpine.
Larry Niven - World of Ptavv, 1966
Randy Blakely - Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 2010
Soso, researchers have grown so the marathon gerbil (sorta Duracell edition). This reminds me of the mutated Rennvirpine Thrint of which have been bred by researchers, of course not, but from the stupid Tnuctipun slave. Before then created the Bandersnatch, huge meat supplier with oversized brains (because their brains are a delicacy). Of course, the Bandersnatch not think they will even eat . But of course, the swindle Tnuctipun their brutal masters, and the Bandersnatch are highly intelligent and prepare for the Tnuctipun Revolution.
But in the beginning it was all about the Rennvirpine.
Larry Niven - World of Ptavv, 1966
Randy Blakely - Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Graphs From Progressive Era
Atlan "Star Splitter" in FanPro!
has today announced it: The new FanPro trilogy about the adventures of the immortal Arkoniden - Emperor ATLAN published in December 2010 under the promising name "Star Splitter".
start the series with the novel divers the lava flow from the pen of the "new" ATLAN -author Oliver Fröhlich. Das phantastische Titelbildstammt stammt wie gewohnt von Arndt Drechsler (der diesmal tatsächlich mit Lava zu Werke gegangen sein muss), die Exposees aus der bewährten Werkstatt von Michael Marcus Thurner . Ich freue mich schon darauf, den Roman in Händen zu halten - spannende und kurzweilige Unterhaltung ist garantiert!
Gleichzeitig ist es ein Startschuss , selbst wieder Papier und Stift ( ok , das Notebook ) herauszukramen , denn wer weiß, was kommt - nach der Trilogie ist schließlich, wie unser Fußballfan Achim Mehnert sagen würde, vor der Trilogie ...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Can I Take Yaz As Emergency Contraceptive?
cotton candy in the air - YouTube & Co.
Es war im Sommer 2009, als mich eine Fügung der modernen Industriewelt überraschend für einen Tag in die USA verschlug - eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für technische Gespräche, die nicht ungenutzt verstreichen durfte.
Der Flug war chaotisch. Unter anderem fehlten, als die 747 in Amsterdam vom Gate ging, noch die Kollegen, die alle wichtigen Informationen - welches Hotel, wo findet das Treffen statt, mit wem denn eigentlich genau, usw. - in den Taschen respektive Köpfen hatten. Nur eine Nachricht auf meiner Mailbox führte mich schließlich ins richtige Hotel (Danke, Daniela!), das Hyatt Regency in Detroit/Dearborn, gleich neben Ford (well, all Detroit is "right next to Ford). But the room was nice and big. Then came
by tension and jet lag. Despite fatigue was not to think of sleep. Outside, the sun was shining ... In addition, a huge hotel that you are in effect by itself, boring and depressing. Alone and to go on trips, I also was not used to. What we do - the bar?
Finally, I followed my old habit of exploring the area on foot. This has caused in my former "adopted country" South Africa has plenty of head shaking, and no less in the U.S. - a view in google earth immediately shows why: In addition to the hotel and a giant Mall in the center of a nearly endless parking lot (ok, and a few trees), there are around the Hyatt nothing you could be so easily reached on foot (except Ford).
But the air was beautiful and smelled why some unknown reason actually to cotton candy, coupled with my tiredness probably mean - hah! - Has awakened of adventure. I also heard from somewhere, music ... The trail led
me to a really nice restaurant ("The Big Fish"), full of lively, young people and with an ample supply of ice cold beer (I love it). Abroad, it is usually quick with the people in conversation, then, again, at the open-air bar, where a small band played really good. Fish balls on plates wandered, more beer was flowing, a detached himself from the round, for he was the guitarist for the band, and his break was over. The evening was entertaining and really nice, and the U.S. rummaged in spite of the crisis, which was already hit real inroads in Detroit, out of all their hospitality, and the tired guest from 'good ole Europe "felt a fiddle.
came almost exactly a year later in the same place the following YouTube video. By the way, who typical blue rock ballad stuff with good instrumentation, may I recommend the song "Bob's Tavern" by Pat Brennan - that was the keyboard player, and my "beer buddy" Dan spielt darauf die Gitarre, und der Saxophonist - nun der mache durchgehend Musik und hatte kaum Zeit zum Bier trinken ...
PS: Ich nenne zwar das gleiche Keyboard mein Eigen, aber damit hören auch schon die Parallelen auf ...
Es war im Sommer 2009, als mich eine Fügung der modernen Industriewelt überraschend für einen Tag in die USA verschlug - eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für technische Gespräche, die nicht ungenutzt verstreichen durfte.
Der Flug war chaotisch. Unter anderem fehlten, als die 747 in Amsterdam vom Gate ging, noch die Kollegen, die alle wichtigen Informationen - welches Hotel, wo findet das Treffen statt, mit wem denn eigentlich genau, usw. - in den Taschen respektive Köpfen hatten. Nur eine Nachricht auf meiner Mailbox führte mich schließlich ins richtige Hotel (Danke, Daniela!), das Hyatt Regency in Detroit/Dearborn, gleich neben Ford (well, all Detroit is "right next to Ford). But the room was nice and big. Then came
by tension and jet lag. Despite fatigue was not to think of sleep. Outside, the sun was shining ... In addition, a huge hotel that you are in effect by itself, boring and depressing. Alone and to go on trips, I also was not used to. What we do - the bar?
Finally, I followed my old habit of exploring the area on foot. This has caused in my former "adopted country" South Africa has plenty of head shaking, and no less in the U.S. - a view in google earth immediately shows why: In addition to the hotel and a giant Mall in the center of a nearly endless parking lot (ok, and a few trees), there are around the Hyatt nothing you could be so easily reached on foot (except Ford).
But the air was beautiful and smelled why some unknown reason actually to cotton candy, coupled with my tiredness probably mean - hah! - Has awakened of adventure. I also heard from somewhere, music ... The trail led
me to a really nice restaurant ("The Big Fish"), full of lively, young people and with an ample supply of ice cold beer (I love it). Abroad, it is usually quick with the people in conversation, then, again, at the open-air bar, where a small band played really good. Fish balls on plates wandered, more beer was flowing, a detached himself from the round, for he was the guitarist for the band, and his break was over. The evening was entertaining and really nice, and the U.S. rummaged in spite of the crisis, which was already hit real inroads in Detroit, out of all their hospitality, and the tired guest from 'good ole Europe "felt a fiddle.
came almost exactly a year later in the same place the following YouTube video. By the way, who typical blue rock ballad stuff with good instrumentation, may I recommend the song "Bob's Tavern" by Pat Brennan - that was the keyboard player, and my "beer buddy" Dan spielt darauf die Gitarre, und der Saxophonist - nun der mache durchgehend Musik und hatte kaum Zeit zum Bier trinken ...
PS: Ich nenne zwar das gleiche Keyboard mein Eigen, aber damit hören auch schon die Parallelen auf ...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Cpx Lacrosse Eye Visor
Friday, November 26, 2010
Mirena Anthem Insurance
Preparations in progress ... slowly
Resümee nach einer kurzen Durchsicht des Geschwurpsels: Es sind immer die Kleinigkeiten, die einem eine Warnung sein sollten ... Zwei Posts der Kategorie "Zurück aus ..." und zwei Posts der Kategorie "Immerhin ..." in dichter Folge, dazu geradezu wortkarge Titel - wie war das doch gleich? Im Alter folgt der Geist eben eingefahrenen Bahnen?
Nein, ich bin nicht alt. Ich fühle mich höchstens alt. Ist wohl eine Zivilisationskrankheit. Bei der Zivilisation auch kein Wunder ...
Ansonsten stricke ich an Neuigkeiten, um die Durststrecke endlich zu beenden.
Resümee nach einer kurzen Durchsicht des Geschwurpsels: Es sind immer die Kleinigkeiten, die einem eine Warnung sein sollten ... Zwei Posts der Kategorie "Zurück aus ..." und zwei Posts der Kategorie "Immerhin ..." in dichter Folge, dazu geradezu wortkarge Titel - wie war das doch gleich? Im Alter folgt der Geist eben eingefahrenen Bahnen?
Nein, ich bin nicht alt. Ich fühle mich höchstens alt. Ist wohl eine Zivilisationskrankheit. Bei der Zivilisation auch kein Wunder ...
Ansonsten stricke ich an Neuigkeiten, um die Durststrecke endlich zu beenden.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tips To Help Babies Clear Phlegm
Ich hatte heute das besondere Vergnügen eines Besuchs in der Endausstattung des Airbus A380 - there are contacts of an academic nature, which has also an offshoot of the "automotive industry" sometimes in fields, which are located slightly closer to their own youthful dreams. It could be that a lot of talk about technology, science and their roles in society - especially the industrial or the ubiquitous expression "contract research" - but nothing more I need to find despite: It's amazing what gets up there in the air. From a distance of an airport, the aircraft has a large, but not really huge - but that is the A380, if one is directly under him and notes that each engine the diameter of a short-haul jets besitzt. Airbus bietet Führungen an, und wer nach Hamburg kommt, der sollte die Gelegenheit beim Schopfe ergreifen und sich diese Meisterleistung einmal aus der Nähe ansehen. Manchmal tut es wirklich gut, mit dem Produkt jener alltäglichen Kämpfe konfrontiert zu werden, die uns in der Branche flächendeckend beschäftigen - der Zwang zu Innovationen, die technische Risiken, die Ausgereiftheit von Entwicklungsständen , über viele Länder verteilte Projektteams, Prozeduren und Spezifikationen vom Ausmaß mehrerer Telefonbücher, Zeitmangel, Geldmangel, Personalmangel, Marktunsicherheiten - aber am Ende funktioniert es doch. Und die Kollegen grinsen still in sich hinein, when we stand with open mouths and ask ourselves how could we bring in all the world, such a development end up in the air.
Oh, and the little Brund the A380 has given us just fine then returned to Hamburg from home - quietly and without blemish, as it looks like any engineer.
Ich hatte heute das besondere Vergnügen eines Besuchs in der Endausstattung des Airbus A380 - there are contacts of an academic nature, which has also an offshoot of the "automotive industry" sometimes in fields, which are located slightly closer to their own youthful dreams. It could be that a lot of talk about technology, science and their roles in society - especially the industrial or the ubiquitous expression "contract research" - but nothing more I need to find despite: It's amazing what gets up there in the air. From a distance of an airport, the aircraft has a large, but not really huge - but that is the A380, if one is directly under him and notes that each engine the diameter of a short-haul jets besitzt. Airbus bietet Führungen an, und wer nach Hamburg kommt, der sollte die Gelegenheit beim Schopfe ergreifen und sich diese Meisterleistung einmal aus der Nähe ansehen. Manchmal tut es wirklich gut, mit dem Produkt jener alltäglichen Kämpfe konfrontiert zu werden, die uns in der Branche flächendeckend beschäftigen - der Zwang zu Innovationen, die technische Risiken, die Ausgereiftheit von Entwicklungsständen , über viele Länder verteilte Projektteams, Prozeduren und Spezifikationen vom Ausmaß mehrerer Telefonbücher, Zeitmangel, Geldmangel, Personalmangel, Marktunsicherheiten - aber am Ende funktioniert es doch. Und die Kollegen grinsen still in sich hinein, when we stand with open mouths and ask ourselves how could we bring in all the world, such a development end up in the air.
Oh, and the little Brund the A380 has given us just fine then returned to Hamburg from home - quietly and without blemish, as it looks like any engineer.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Nomarks Cream/how Long Does It Take To Work
sheet comrades
other day there was Perry Rhodan represent an interesting discussion about artificial life - in the sense of the question of when (and how) an artificial object is "alive" by the At length his own soul; or at least, but a mind - by which the thing for me is already clear: to find ( te) is the limit for now even draw or look? These and many other aspects of this theme, you could probably have been discussing long (and mostly speculate) what has been done in the forum and therefore not to be collected against. But it took me much of my own beginnings in Science Fiction recalls the late 70's, when I finished with the brains of the ship Mark Brandis as fascinating as the Posbis the Perry Rhodan - series. In my first three (unpublished) short stories because it was also about a robot who wanted to improve the world, one that in her desperate and in den Tod stürzte, und einen Computer, der die Rolle eines Menschen erschleicht, um das Leiden eines solchen zu lindern ... Bis heute hat mich die Fragestellung nie so ganz ganz losgelassen, was Leser der ATLAN -Taschenbuchreihe bei FanPro ( Monolith -Zyklus) vielleicht an der Figur des Calipher bzw. Calipher - SIM bzw. Calipher -Geist erahnen können.
Wenn es aber einen solchen der Künstlichkeit entstiegen Geist gäbe - was würde er tun? Alles besser machen als wir? Resignieren? Oder einfach so tun, als wäre er auch nur ein Mensch?
other day there was Perry Rhodan represent an interesting discussion about artificial life - in the sense of the question of when (and how) an artificial object is "alive" by the At length his own soul; or at least, but a mind - by which the thing for me is already clear: to find ( te) is the limit for now even draw or look? These and many other aspects of this theme, you could probably have been discussing long (and mostly speculate) what has been done in the forum and therefore not to be collected against. But it took me much of my own beginnings in Science Fiction recalls the late 70's, when I finished with the brains of the ship Mark Brandis as fascinating as the Posbis the Perry Rhodan - series. In my first three (unpublished) short stories because it was also about a robot who wanted to improve the world, one that in her desperate and in den Tod stürzte, und einen Computer, der die Rolle eines Menschen erschleicht, um das Leiden eines solchen zu lindern ... Bis heute hat mich die Fragestellung nie so ganz ganz losgelassen, was Leser der ATLAN -Taschenbuchreihe bei FanPro ( Monolith -Zyklus) vielleicht an der Figur des Calipher bzw. Calipher - SIM bzw. Calipher -Geist erahnen können.
Wenn es aber einen solchen der Künstlichkeit entstiegen Geist gäbe - was würde er tun? Alles besser machen als wir? Resignieren? Oder einfach so tun, als wäre er auch nur ein Mensch?
Bianca Trump Homepage
paper tiger
Ich weiß nicht, ob die folgenden beiden Meldungen say something about the future of humanity in space or not, but I find it entertaining anyway:
The British aircraft Vulture -1 has successfully first images transmitted from the edge of the universe and complete this mission also undamaged.
I know that sounds not very exciting, but Vulture -1 is not a missile, nor a height of Enlightenment is not a brainchild of Burt Rutan ( Spaceship One ) and Elon Musk ( Falcon 9 ), but one ... paper airplane. Off - just. Paper. A bit too large, but only on paper. This was the first milestone of international company Paper Aircraft Released In Space (PARIS) successfully completed, which goes back to a Japanese initiative (called: We take Paper Airplanes from the international space station ISS and surprise us can).
Are these the beginnings of a brand new technology? It might await us some, especially if we add even more the second message: This time it's lightweight components for space stations and space ships in space from - are made, no, not from paper but from raw materials of as a space-saving granules Earth or the moon theory supplied be. Background are pioneering advances in 3D printing of complex mechanical assemblies. The newly founded company Made in Space seems to be seriously willing to implement this revolutionary approach in the current deed and collects the needed funds to install a first printer on the ISS.
a certain charm you can not deny the idea. After all, the future is on success, then not only ... (Political) paper.
Ich weiß nicht, ob die folgenden beiden Meldungen say something about the future of humanity in space or not, but I find it entertaining anyway:
The British aircraft Vulture -1 has successfully first images transmitted from the edge of the universe and complete this mission also undamaged.
I know that sounds not very exciting, but Vulture -1 is not a missile, nor a height of Enlightenment is not a brainchild of Burt Rutan ( Spaceship One ) and Elon Musk ( Falcon 9 ), but one ... paper airplane. Off - just. Paper. A bit too large, but only on paper. This was the first milestone of international company Paper Aircraft Released In Space (PARIS) successfully completed, which goes back to a Japanese initiative (called: We take Paper Airplanes from the international space station ISS and surprise us can).
Are these the beginnings of a brand new technology? It might await us some, especially if we add even more the second message: This time it's lightweight components for space stations and space ships in space from - are made, no, not from paper but from raw materials of as a space-saving granules Earth or the moon theory supplied be. Background are pioneering advances in 3D printing of complex mechanical assemblies. The newly founded company Made in Space seems to be seriously willing to implement this revolutionary approach in the current deed and collects the needed funds to install a first printer on the ISS.
a certain charm you can not deny the idea. After all, the future is on success, then not only ... (Political) paper.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
How Much Is Plan B And Where To Buy?
confusion about the neighbors
Can there really life on Gliese 581g - the first Earth-like planet ever discovered in the habitable zone around a sun (with Except for Earth, of course)? Has actually reached us from there two years ago, a short, intense pulse light, like the astronomer Ragbir Bhanthal announced a few days ago? It would be a rapid succession of almost incredible discoveries that our world view ...
But wait. The question is not whether there is life on Gliese 581g , or perhaps even intelligent life , but rather whether the planet exists or not. The discovery of Gliese 581g dates back to many years of measurements on the HIRES experiment at the Keck 1 telescope and the HARPS experiment at La Silla telescope. But this is no way to optical images of the planet (along with oceans and mountains, such representations can expect in the press), but large spectroscopic data sets collected over the years, which it then moves with statistical methods to physical. Of all the scientists of the HARPS experiment, however, now claim to be able to see their data, no traces of Gliese 581g.
Which does not mean that it is therefore not Gliese 581g. It is no longer only agree.
This again casts a revealing light on the dangers of indirect, statistical data analysis. "Those who measure, measure Mist", my professor used to always say, and, yes, he was right. "Untargeted" and subsequent measurements, statistical analysis are always a very, very, very dangerous thing - whether it's about alien planet, the climate, the weather or - very widespread - studies on sociological issues.
After all, astronomers now argue openly, and with all data on the table
Can there really life on Gliese 581g - the first Earth-like planet ever discovered in the habitable zone around a sun (with Except for Earth, of course)? Has actually reached us from there two years ago, a short, intense pulse light, like the astronomer Ragbir Bhanthal announced a few days ago? It would be a rapid succession of almost incredible discoveries that our world view ...
But wait. The question is not whether there is life on Gliese 581g , or perhaps even intelligent life , but rather whether the planet exists or not. The discovery of Gliese 581g dates back to many years of measurements on the HIRES experiment at the Keck 1 telescope and the HARPS experiment at La Silla telescope. But this is no way to optical images of the planet (along with oceans and mountains, such representations can expect in the press), but large spectroscopic data sets collected over the years, which it then moves with statistical methods to physical. Of all the scientists of the HARPS experiment, however, now claim to be able to see their data, no traces of Gliese 581g.
Which does not mean that it is therefore not Gliese 581g. It is no longer only agree.
This again casts a revealing light on the dangers of indirect, statistical data analysis. "Those who measure, measure Mist", my professor used to always say, and, yes, he was right. "Untargeted" and subsequent measurements, statistical analysis are always a very, very, very dangerous thing - whether it's about alien planet, the climate, the weather or - very widespread - studies on sociological issues.
After all, astronomers now argue openly, and with all data on the table
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Polaroid Film Replacement
Austria-Con 2010
Back from Austria - Con 2010, the memory of a thoroughly enjoyable weekend and sore feet from standing in the remains Conlokal , deep in the historical background of Vienna. The program was colorful and varied, excellent organization, as people always cheerful and interesting conversations (and sometimes very extended). For many could tell you, as the brilliant " Panini album, and is expected to contribute in future auctions high profits (especially if the rare pictures available), or the plans, arkonidische bodyguards inside the Weltcon to organize 2011 ... and no Naats . It gave insight into the virtual world of the future ( Marcus Hinterthür ) and views on future action in the Perry Rhodan series (Uwe Anton ), but also reviews and smirking wink (cabaret). The coming Heyne Paperback- Jupiter was of course discussed, and even a "dive with Atlan and Perry " was held at the Achim Mehnert , Marc A. Herren and I on our joint work for the Atlan pocket book series at Fanpro reported (to the swim we were indeed so, but dived are not we all). Attracted by this offer were found even with a girlfriend and Perry Gucky and Icho Tolot that but not yet adapted to the local (Peter Raymond).
As always, it was a downright pleasure to get together with friends and colleagues and shared in our to revel fascination, and in such a beautiful city like Vienna - it is considered too different and the predicted rain saved us easily.
All in all: Thank you, Austria - Con team!
Unfortunately the-art lithium-ion battery of my camera once again not kept pace. For Weltcon next year I will probably buy myself a new need.
Back from Austria - Con 2010, the memory of a thoroughly enjoyable weekend and sore feet from standing in the remains Conlokal , deep in the historical background of Vienna. The program was colorful and varied, excellent organization, as people always cheerful and interesting conversations (and sometimes very extended). For many could tell you, as the brilliant " Panini album, and is expected to contribute in future auctions high profits (especially if the rare pictures available), or the plans, arkonidische bodyguards inside the Weltcon to organize 2011 ... and no Naats . It gave insight into the virtual world of the future ( Marcus Hinterthür ) and views on future action in the Perry Rhodan series (Uwe Anton ), but also reviews and smirking wink (cabaret). The coming Heyne Paperback- Jupiter was of course discussed, and even a "dive with Atlan and Perry " was held at the Achim Mehnert , Marc A. Herren and I on our joint work for the Atlan pocket book series at Fanpro reported (to the swim we were indeed so, but dived are not we all). Attracted by this offer were found even with a girlfriend and Perry Gucky and Icho Tolot that but not yet adapted to the local (Peter Raymond).
As always, it was a downright pleasure to get together with friends and colleagues and shared in our to revel fascination, and in such a beautiful city like Vienna - it is considered too different and the predicted rain saved us easily.
All in all: Thank you, Austria - Con team!
Unfortunately the-art lithium-ion battery of my camera once again not kept pace. For Weltcon next year I will probably buy myself a new need.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Best For Ringworm On Balls
Bin on the blog of Charles's Stross (SF-author, highly recommended) at this year AussieCon four landed in Australia.
point program for "Friday, September 5, 10 am - 5 pm: coffee gossip
reassuring how similar the people are yet.
Bin on the blog of Charles's Stross (SF-author, highly recommended) at this year AussieCon four landed in Australia.
point program for "Friday, September 5, 10 am - 5 pm: coffee gossip
reassuring how similar the people are yet.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Skier Killed At Nakiska
Admission ...
While I wrestle with mild frostbite (Ibiza: 30 ° C, Regensburg: 10), the Austria-Con is approaching. Part of the alternative program for accompanying families are taking shape, especially a musical experience (Dance of the vampires, I guess I should not but there are some of the experts). Which raises the nagging question of whether or not all of which are on the wafer. Given this admission fees (which are probably hard to find their way into the pockets of the bouncing and rattling artist), I am left wondering whether certain professional decisions are not simply wrong could have been ... Fortunately for me the thought to cure a pink ... Pütpüt? and the supposed truth of the note but quickly retracted by such existential doubt. Well then, therefore, continue to build cars ... and some SciFi, to relax ...
While I wrestle with mild frostbite (Ibiza: 30 ° C, Regensburg: 10), the Austria-Con is approaching. Part of the alternative program for accompanying families are taking shape, especially a musical experience (Dance of the vampires, I guess I should not but there are some of the experts). Which raises the nagging question of whether or not all of which are on the wafer. Given this admission fees (which are probably hard to find their way into the pockets of the bouncing and rattling artist), I am left wondering whether certain professional decisions are not simply wrong could have been ... Fortunately for me the thought to cure a pink ... Pütpüt? and the supposed truth of the note but quickly retracted by such existential doubt. Well then, therefore, continue to build cars ... and some SciFi, to relax ...
Friday, August 27, 2010
How Bad For You Are Whippets
Pending: ATLAN
Back from short holiday in the sunny south face various issues that will be done more quickly, then returns to the workday begins. Above all it is about a concept paper for a new ATLAN trilogy. A first concept Sabine Kropp already, but several phone calls and Conversations with Michael Marcus Thurner on the Colonia - Con but brought new ideas that I now must be incorporated. Until now, there are only sketches in my notebook (a companion between dives if I suddenly in 27 meters water depth should have an inspiration). I'm already looking forward to Sabine's feedback!
A character whose fate I think it is to see in the picture in the background (alienated by means of a pencil drawing of our daughter to ATLAN - Monolith Volume 2: death zone Zartiryt Rüdiger Schäfer).
Saturday, August 7, 2010
2008 Gti Auto Levelling
Vorurlaubsim or depression?
So a blog is, as the name suggests, a kind of diary. Since you write so pure, so what moves a day, thought brings interested or sometimes angry. But what if they accumulate the days where nothing really happens except the everyday ... madness? What a blog should still have an issue or not? And if this madness is now time does not match the topic?
Then go from one the posts.
Actually I should be happy to slow the approach of Austria-Con in Vienna - an event the whole family, which then spread throughout the city to indulge their specific preferences (Lipizzianer and shopping are not for me, so I walk in the caverns of the Con-premises). I had to prepare for the Con still a working paper on ATLAN, so it was discussed with the editors. And finally, there is also another - I do not like the name, but it aptly describes it - project, which is nearing the end of the "primary creative phase," internal target date: clearly, the Austria-Con.
But what is spent all my energy? I want to cry so, but this week the industry, as far as I'm concerned, somehow the bird was shot down: to be the same time in Eastern European and Germany, is indeed the one, but then another to land two days earlier in South America, order from there two days later, if you please to fly to the U.S., makes four appointments to two days, well, three continents, this is a clear increase ...
good that the good Lord WebEx, conference calls, visa limits and even invented the insight into the impossible. The latter probably grudgingly.
But then, after this week when the holiday begins at last, and no date is bursting into somewhere between here and the Veil Nebula, I am concerned with the Austria-Con. And with my friend ATLAN. This may then in my stead jet through the universe ... The poor guy.
So a blog is, as the name suggests, a kind of diary. Since you write so pure, so what moves a day, thought brings interested or sometimes angry. But what if they accumulate the days where nothing really happens except the everyday ... madness? What a blog should still have an issue or not? And if this madness is now time does not match the topic?
Then go from one the posts.
Actually I should be happy to slow the approach of Austria-Con in Vienna - an event the whole family, which then spread throughout the city to indulge their specific preferences (Lipizzianer and shopping are not for me, so I walk in the caverns of the Con-premises). I had to prepare for the Con still a working paper on ATLAN, so it was discussed with the editors. And finally, there is also another - I do not like the name, but it aptly describes it - project, which is nearing the end of the "primary creative phase," internal target date: clearly, the Austria-Con.
But what is spent all my energy? I want to cry so, but this week the industry, as far as I'm concerned, somehow the bird was shot down: to be the same time in Eastern European and Germany, is indeed the one, but then another to land two days earlier in South America, order from there two days later, if you please to fly to the U.S., makes four appointments to two days, well, three continents, this is a clear increase ...
good that the good Lord WebEx, conference calls, visa limits and even invented the insight into the impossible. The latter probably grudgingly.
But then, after this week when the holiday begins at last, and no date is bursting into somewhere between here and the Veil Nebula, I am concerned with the Austria-Con. And with my friend ATLAN. This may then in my stead jet through the universe ... The poor guy.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Free Age Of Empires Free Full Version
interactive blog Fun with ATC's
I did this ATC's for the 15th Challenge the interactive blog Fun With ATC's gewerkelt.Klar I hope that many of them beteiligen.Schaut us a visit! / / http://funwithatcs.blogspot.com/
I did this ATC's for the 15th Challenge the interactive blog Fun With ATC's gewerkelt.Klar I hope that many of them beteiligen.Schaut us a visit! / / http://funwithatcs.blogspot.com/
Monday, July 12, 2010
Taking Hydrocodone And Wine
Sometimes there are ideas that somewhere along the way from Expokraten (what a handy Term!) The author lose, unfortunately, something of charm. This happened to me with a scene in the 1st Band of ATLAN MONOLITH " Planet of the silver men" . Atlan and Santjun have on said planet down - of course in secret, because where Atlan personally appeared occurs because trembles every villain, and all criminal activities come to an abrupt halt, which is not exactly is voltage conducive . But how can this be? You have a cruiser available, 100 meters, also a tiny Space jet fighters and even a classic (we The year is 3112 old calendar, which allows me to play with the art of my personal PR-wedding). Purely technical treatment offers seen, of course, a hidden hint in the planetary shadow and a swift landing maneuver, as described in the classic series of stages.
But that I came across. In addition, I had Atlan deliberately limited to a single 100-meter ship and had the lifeboats households, of which one can indeed not too many packed into such a small vessel cell (the plan drawings by R. Zengerle leave because, unfortunately, hardly margins). And Atlan little stuff would still urgently benötigen ... Dumm nur, dass die zum Gegner übergelaufenen USO -Agenten unten auf Thanaton zuallererst die geheime Transmitter -Verbindungen kappten, um sich ihren Dienstherren vom Hals zu halten ...
Da entstand vor meinem inneren Auge das Bild zweier Kampfanzüge, die, von glühenden Plasmafahnen umgeben, in Thanatons Atmosphäre eintauchen. Schillernde Schutzschirme, wütende Böen aus Feuer - das müsste doch funktionieren! So gleiten nur Helden zu Boden, Helden mit einem ernsten Auftrag ...
Uwe Anton gefiel die Idee nicht so sehr wie mir, weshalb sie auch im fertigen Roman nicht gerade viel Platz occupies. This is a shame, because for one it was made by NASA in the 60s (of the last century ...) was thinking actually of any such return systems for individual astronauts - braking rocket, heat shield and a parachute, if you will - and, on the other prepares the adventurer Felix Baumgartner currently preparing for a jump of 40 kilometers. 40 km altitude are not yet to space, but this distinction is more a formality than a guarantee of survival should be the helmet open.
It certainly is a spectacular ride to sail so entirely without a capsule in the upper atmosphere to the ground to observe wie die Erde von einer Kugel zur Scheibe wird, zu einem Mosaik aus Braun- und Grüntönen, zu harten Felsen, die vermutlich wahnsinnig schnell größer werden - ganz so, wie es Atlan und Santjun in "Planet der Silberherren" erlebten (oder ein paar Raumkadetten in Larry Niven/ Jerry Pournelle: "Der Splitter im Auge Gottes", denn es gibt nichts Neues mehr in der Welt).
Sometimes there are ideas that somewhere along the way from Expokraten (what a handy Term!) The author lose, unfortunately, something of charm. This happened to me with a scene in the 1st Band of ATLAN MONOLITH " Planet of the silver men" . Atlan and Santjun have on said planet down - of course in secret, because where Atlan personally appeared occurs because trembles every villain, and all criminal activities come to an abrupt halt, which is not exactly is voltage conducive . But how can this be? You have a cruiser available, 100 meters, also a tiny Space jet fighters and even a classic (we The year is 3112 old calendar, which allows me to play with the art of my personal PR-wedding). Purely technical treatment offers seen, of course, a hidden hint in the planetary shadow and a swift landing maneuver, as described in the classic series of stages.
But that I came across. In addition, I had Atlan deliberately limited to a single 100-meter ship and had the lifeboats households, of which one can indeed not too many packed into such a small vessel cell (the plan drawings by R. Zengerle leave because, unfortunately, hardly margins). And Atlan little stuff would still urgently benötigen ... Dumm nur, dass die zum Gegner übergelaufenen USO -Agenten unten auf Thanaton zuallererst die geheime Transmitter -Verbindungen kappten, um sich ihren Dienstherren vom Hals zu halten ...
Da entstand vor meinem inneren Auge das Bild zweier Kampfanzüge, die, von glühenden Plasmafahnen umgeben, in Thanatons Atmosphäre eintauchen. Schillernde Schutzschirme, wütende Böen aus Feuer - das müsste doch funktionieren! So gleiten nur Helden zu Boden, Helden mit einem ernsten Auftrag ...
Uwe Anton gefiel die Idee nicht so sehr wie mir, weshalb sie auch im fertigen Roman nicht gerade viel Platz occupies. This is a shame, because for one it was made by NASA in the 60s (of the last century ...) was thinking actually of any such return systems for individual astronauts - braking rocket, heat shield and a parachute, if you will - and, on the other prepares the adventurer Felix Baumgartner currently preparing for a jump of 40 kilometers. 40 km altitude are not yet to space, but this distinction is more a formality than a guarantee of survival should be the helmet open.
It certainly is a spectacular ride to sail so entirely without a capsule in the upper atmosphere to the ground to observe wie die Erde von einer Kugel zur Scheibe wird, zu einem Mosaik aus Braun- und Grüntönen, zu harten Felsen, die vermutlich wahnsinnig schnell größer werden - ganz so, wie es Atlan und Santjun in "Planet der Silberherren" erlebten (oder ein paar Raumkadetten in Larry Niven/ Jerry Pournelle: "Der Splitter im Auge Gottes", denn es gibt nichts Neues mehr in der Welt).
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Does The Ps2 Ff11 Hd Have Hd Loader On It
Heiß ist es heute, unerträglich heiß.
Ich verstecke mich im Schatten eines ziemlich knorrigen Apfelbaums und blättere im heutigen Posteingang herum. Phantastisch! Nr. 39 und SOL No. 59 among them, in a double - the promise of interesting reading material. For both magazines, I was allowed to contribute in the past one or two pieces of text - this time something (the editor tells me this is not always advance with)? Yes! The SOL contains one of my short stories. It bears the title "retirement" and was taken on a similarly hot day almost exactly a year ago. Subject of a future scenario that I think is absurd to not quite as it may sound at first - the technology moves closer to it continually, and socially ... Now, if some people might, as he wanted ... Originally I had
the theme for the (shamefully neglected) sci-categories of Fantastic! bookmarked, but then, suddenly, it was this short, exaggerated story about a woman who ...
No, I will not tell everything.
The whole thing would be written down immediately and without interruption, which were twenty frantic minutes on a hot day.
"retirement" way, is my date, eight short story for the SOL - and, I am particularly pleased the first all-only without any reference to Perry and Co.
that something my retirement contribution, the I doubt it very much ...
SOL magazine - available only through http://www.prfz.de/ or http://www.ahavemann.de/
Heiß ist es heute, unerträglich heiß.
Ich verstecke mich im Schatten eines ziemlich knorrigen Apfelbaums und blättere im heutigen Posteingang herum. Phantastisch! Nr. 39 und SOL No. 59 among them, in a double - the promise of interesting reading material. For both magazines, I was allowed to contribute in the past one or two pieces of text - this time something (the editor tells me this is not always advance with)? Yes! The SOL contains one of my short stories. It bears the title "retirement" and was taken on a similarly hot day almost exactly a year ago. Subject of a future scenario that I think is absurd to not quite as it may sound at first - the technology moves closer to it continually, and socially ... Now, if some people might, as he wanted ... Originally I had
the theme for the (shamefully neglected) sci-categories of Fantastic! bookmarked, but then, suddenly, it was this short, exaggerated story about a woman who ...
No, I will not tell everything.
The whole thing would be written down immediately and without interruption, which were twenty frantic minutes on a hot day.
"retirement" way, is my date, eight short story for the SOL - and, I am particularly pleased the first all-only without any reference to Perry and Co.
that something my retirement contribution, the I doubt it very much ...
SOL magazine - available only through http://www.prfz.de/ or http://www.ahavemann.de/
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Wiring Guide For 92 Ford Laser Radio
opener and a look back
The first game of the German World Cup 2010 is over - 4-0 " Down Under " - and even with me is the football fever are gradual. These memories come to my own time in South Africa, a country that reminds me always of the text lines of Johnny Clegg " it 'sa , strange crazy , beautiful world "and me fast 14 Jahre später noch ein eigentümliches Heimweh empfinden lässt. Wenn es einen Ort auf dieser Welt gibt, der mich als Fremden sofort aufgenommen und ins Herz geschlossen hat (und ich ihn), dann ist das Südafrika. Trotzdem fiebere ich natürlich mit dem heimischen Team mit - das ausgesprochen gut gespielt hat. Während des (legendären) Rugby- World Cups in Südafrika war das noch anders: Da spielen keine Deutschen mit, und meine Loyalität war klar: " Springboks "!
Aber ob World Cup , WM oder einfach nur so: Dieses tolle Land mit seiner so dunklen Geschichte und seiner so farbigen, zerrissenen, hoffnungsvollen Present is always worth a visit. To get recommending I Johnny Clegg & Savuka (ear-compatible with Europeans) or Bayete . And: Never go to areas which discourage the local people. They usually know why they do this. Thanks
Street - View I was now even at my old house, with vigorous rubbing of eyes gazed at number (114) and what the owner has changed in the meantime all. Is funny, virtual walk through familiar streets and to stand before well-known pubs.
I certainly would rather go in with some old friends (? Castle, Bavaria Brew or at least a Black Label ) and drink a very real beer
The first game of the German World Cup 2010 is over - 4-0 " Down Under " - and even with me is the football fever are gradual. These memories come to my own time in South Africa, a country that reminds me always of the text lines of Johnny Clegg " it 'sa , strange crazy , beautiful world "and me fast 14 Jahre später noch ein eigentümliches Heimweh empfinden lässt. Wenn es einen Ort auf dieser Welt gibt, der mich als Fremden sofort aufgenommen und ins Herz geschlossen hat (und ich ihn), dann ist das Südafrika. Trotzdem fiebere ich natürlich mit dem heimischen Team mit - das ausgesprochen gut gespielt hat. Während des (legendären) Rugby- World Cups in Südafrika war das noch anders: Da spielen keine Deutschen mit, und meine Loyalität war klar: " Springboks "!
Aber ob World Cup , WM oder einfach nur so: Dieses tolle Land mit seiner so dunklen Geschichte und seiner so farbigen, zerrissenen, hoffnungsvollen Present is always worth a visit. To get recommending I Johnny Clegg & Savuka (ear-compatible with Europeans) or Bayete . And: Never go to areas which discourage the local people. They usually know why they do this. Thanks
Street - View I was now even at my old house, with vigorous rubbing of eyes gazed at number (114) and what the owner has changed in the meantime all. Is funny, virtual walk through familiar streets and to stand before well-known pubs.
I certainly would rather go in with some old friends (? Castle, Bavaria Brew or at least a Black Label ) and drink a very real beer
Saturday, June 12, 2010
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